mum health&beauty

   Having a bad hair day? or what if its like.. you go to the mall and you saw your old friend from high school, that could definitely be one of the coolest thing that could happen to anyone, imagine the last time you saw each other and you bump into each other again like 10 or maybe 20 years after? problem is.. she looked good and you don't! in fact you weren't prepared at all, you were in your usual getup, same as what you would probably look when you were at home, hair up on a ponytail maybe, and no makeup! oh  no! what a nightmare! not that there's anything wrong with having no makeup, unless you have been gifted with having good skin, but lets admit it!  once you're in your 40's? makeup or cosmetics is a must have! in fact its probably one of a woman's best friend these days, so before this nightmare comes into a reality, you may wanna consider looking good and taking care of yourself, even if budget is tight in your household, it is not an excuse! start your day with meditating and thinking today is the day I get to have my confidence back, even if there's kids pulling your skirt, with mommies I want this and that, take time to feel good about yourself! because you so deserve it!

   Now, there's no need to be shy, Cosmetics or makeup defined, are actually just substances that are externally applied to change or enhance the beauty of one's skin, hair, nails, lips and eyes, and I think that if there's really one thing that middle aged women would spend money for? it would probably have to be with how you can improve on your well being in general, so having said that, let me introduce you to my inspiration when I myself had doubts on whether or not to wear makeup, this lady really lives up to her name, click on the you tube link below and find out how she did it, watch Ms. Promise Tamang Phan transform right before your eyes..

I wouldn't be surprised if i see a lot of "jolie" looking women after watching this.. enjoy mums!